Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Troubleshooting Success (for a change)

Burnt spot in situ against the manifold

A better view of the damage after removing from starter

Once again, the hulk saves the day

Swapped this rusty terminal for a new one
I finally had some troubleshooting success today with the electrical system. After unhooking the alternator, I still had a significant ground, so I then removed all fuses...still grounded. Finally, I traced the positive lead from the battery, through the splice that feeds the alternator, around the back of the engine and down the opposite side to the starter. Wait, what's that metallic glint coming from beside the manifold? I should have guessed: the most recent big change I did was replacing all the brake lines, and they ended up pinching the positive battery cable against the exhaust manifold above the starter. The last engine run got the manifold hot enough to melt the insulation and voila; monster short to ground! I briefly entertained the idea of wrapping the spot in electrical tape, but quickly disgarded that as just stupid. Luckily, the hulk had just the cable I needed, and in pretty good shape except for the battery terminal, which I replaced. I was careful to route the new cable away from the manifold. I was called away before finishing the hookup, but should get it done tomorrow.

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