Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Short Fixed and Leaky Carb

Leaky culprit is the brass plug just left of center in the picture
Reconnected the alternator first thing and checked for a short...none noted. Started the car up and it ran okay at first, then choppy. Good voltage indicated (one of the few working gauges). Smelled gas. Shut off engine and kill switch. Big puddle under the engine. Traced it to the plug on the bottom of the right hand carb.  Located possible replacement on the other carb set. To get the entire carb assembly off of the intake manifold, you just undo one nut that comes up through the center (plus some hoses). Swapped out plugs and got ready to reattach the carbs, but the o-ring was too large for its seat. Put the o-ring in the freezer for awhile to shrink it just a little. Went in okay after cooling. Reassembled the carb mess and turned on the ignition to get the fuel pump running. No leaks! Started it up again and let it warm up. The idle became much smoother as the engine warmed up. I do have a very small coolant leak from one hose clamp...just need to tighten it up when it cools down, and some oil dripping from the right rear of the engine. Looks like it might be from the oil pressure sending unit (I hope). That's all for today.

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