Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gotta love a lift

A few whacks on the screwdriver opened up the female splined connector

It's in!
Rubber mallet gently persuades the male splines to seat

It helps to disconnect the pipe on the left to get at the lines from the pump on the right
My first experience actually doing some work on the car using the lift. What a joy! I approached reattaching the steering rack to the steering column with some trepidation b/c it looked just about impossible when laying under the car before the lift. Things were suddenly so much clearer and accessible with the car overhead so that it was really no problem. Part of the advantage of the lift is that I can put vast amounts of light right where I need to see. Anyway, enough on the lift...I got the steering reattached. The pictures tell the story. Tomorrow, I hope to reconnect the hoses to the pump, fill it up with fluid, start the engine and do a leak and operation check.

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