Saturday, November 21, 2009

Met Doug Jenson in Albuquerque

I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Doug Jenson of Cincinnati tonight. He was jumpseating on my Fedex flight from Albuquerque to Memphis and I happened to notice the Triumph logo on his flight bag, so I asked what Triumph he had. Turns out he has a TR-8 and a Stag! Figure the odds. I enjoyed our conversation over breakfast in Memphis and hope to stay in touch with him as he seems to know many of the people in the Stag world. His Stag is RHD! Cool!


Anonymous said...

Great meeting you yesterday. What a fantastic trip! I am sure I will now see your name everywhere on the stag forum, and elsewhere. Looks like you and your wife will have a fantastic car when you have solved all the bugs. We love our car, but doing the work on it is just as much fun. Looking forward to seeing your blog photos of the car on the road!

Doug Jensen said...

In my trance, I forgot to ask how you hang your hardtop. Do you have any recommendations,

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