Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Engine sounds

Not much progress to report since February. Just haven't had much time, but now I've got two weeks off. Other projects demand some attention (including the Bugeye), but I intend to get back into the Stag as soon as I get some parts. I did reinstall the bonnet...no small feat since the hinges were nowhere close to the same angle. Took some trial and error and some persuasion with a ball peen hammer to get the driver's side one into compliance. Once again I wonder what happened to this car before I acquired it! The clutch hydraulics are still not right. I've bled it and bled it to no effect. With all new components except for the hose, I guess I'll have to replace that next. Installed the brake light switch and all looks in order. No actual brake lights yet as I still have to go through the wiring in the boot and up front. Many connections are yet to be made! Topped off tranny and diff fluids. Worked on the exhaust pipe connections to get rid of the leak and it sounds pretty good now.
Here's a short video to prove it (make sure your speaker is on):


Bill Sullivan said...

Glad to see you back in the garage.

Are you sure that video isn't a fake? Sounds like a bunch of rocks swirling around a bucket!

Congrats on the startup, sounds like real progress,

Bill S

Unknown said...

This is what we in the biz call "V-8 envy." (Hah) Actually, you're right, Bill. Next time I'll get a better microphone than the one built into my digital camera.

Unknown said...

Glad to see your recent posts... I check here from time to time watching your progress. I can relate to the "lack of time" problem. I little bit more work and hopefully my Stag will be on the road... if you get the "Stag News" mine was on the cover of the last issue...

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