Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Cancer Treatment

The car had a spot of cancer in the unibody that I wanted to address now that I'm driving it fairly often. It didn't appear to be too big at first...that is until Dr. Bob took a hammer and chisel to it! He rooted out the rust and the hole grew to twice the size of the original area of concern. After some work with the chisel, a grinder was used to clean up the edges, then NAPA rust treatment was applied in two coats and allowed to cure, turning black as it converted the rust. Meanwhile, Bob used a plasma cutter on an old Midget inner fender to make a patch for the Stag's cancerous lesion. He fussed with the uneven contours around the hole until everything was ready for the main event: the welder. After welding, another grinder cleaned up the welds and a coat of Rustoleum was applied. Thanks Bob, for four hours of skilled labor!

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