Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Brake Lines Installed

Mess of pipes going up toward the brake light switch

Rear pipe above the driveshaft...a bit worrisome

Easier to get at the rear pipes with wheels removed
Got the brake lines installed. Good thing too as the old lines were absolutely shot, and the fluid coming out of them was a rusty goo. The long line that feeds the rear brakes was the most challenging, and I'm still not real happy with its resting place on top of the transmission. It looks a little too close to the driveshaft for comfort, so I may have to rig some kind of clip to keep it up there. Additionally, the two rear unions have both come free of their welds that hold them against the underside of the trunk, so that will need to be attended to. I expect delivery on the four braided stainless flexible hoses from Tony Hart in a week or two, and that should complete the brake line install. Unfortunately, the weather is about to turn very cold, so I don't know how much more I can do right now.

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